Support Wikipedia Reflections of Art: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

At first, I was quite dejected that the capitalists wanted to stretch a 330 page book into 3 movies!
But then, it was Peter Jackson.

This movie exceeded expectations on many counts; the director took his own sweet time in finishing  the first third of the book in nigh 3 hours and the new HFR (High frame rate) screening is mind-blowing (or as my folks in India like to say: mind-blasting).

About the HFR experience; I was surprised at how clear the image was - detail that made real life seem boring and focused shots which got one counting the strands of waters down a waterfall. In addition to this, one can even see how far filming technology has come since the third LOTR movie.
But this isn't an action thriller, kill the bad guys movie.

It's a story as a story should be. Slow, purposeful, inspiring, emotional and reigniting the strength of good fiction. Bilbo is a good cast, Gandalf is brilliant, not a big fan of any of the dwarves, and Gollum too is amazing. Sure, there are a lot of inconsistencies but I have come to a stage where I give credit to another Tolkien lover and his creative spirit.

The mountain trolls, and the eagles, and the elves - Galadriel in all her majesty and Elrond in his wisdom - and Smaug! and Erebor - Oh! how grand Erebor was... and how that home was lost!
For me, the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and the Silmarillion were a part of my formative years - hence, I am biased.

Oh, there were tears inside me.

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