Support Wikipedia Reflections of Art: Zombieland

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Alas. This be a movie that will fade away, but it be so precious :'(
It is an outstanding creation and I say it with a lot of sincerity. The humour associated with 'monster' movies has been dry and repetitive; the humour in this movie is phenomenal. Casting Jesse Eisenberg of "The Social Network" fame was brilliant.
Rules of surviving in zombieland. For example, "Do Cardio, it's the fatties who go first." One needs to be really high to come up with statements such as this.
Enticing zombies with a eukele? Using chainsaws? Having a fetish for twinkies? A zombie in a bikini? Cute little zombie girls?
Woody Harrelson (one might remember him as the zonked dude from 2012) and Abigail (from Little Miss Sunshine) have outstanding roles, especially Woody. As I write this, I am laughing.

"Gotta enjoy the little things"

1 comment:

  1. True that! Movie was awesome..howwweeevvveeer, it will not fade, nor was it a tiny indie movie, the movie actually did really really well at the box no worries my friend, those americans manage to get it right sometimes. And since you didn't mention her I have to..coz I love Emma stone she's the best young actress out there..incredibly funny :D
