Support Wikipedia Reflections of Art: Big Fish

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Fish

Our lives are too boring; exaggerate. One of very few true fantasies intertwined with reality. One never knew (nor did the Son) where reality waned and imagination erupted. But somehow, as one watches the movie, one cannot help but believe in every nugget of information even though it may well be absurd.
"She said that the biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught." Is this statement a positive or a negative? Figure it out :)
For me, this movie signified story-telling in its rawest form; such that it would generate a buzz long after the storyteller was dead and gone. Could this be how many of the folk stories and mythologies came into being?
Edward Bloom was pure, free-spirited, gutsy, dumb and a child - till he died. One of those movies where most of the actors were replaceable, but the story and the screenplay were exquisite - and nothing could have changed that. Only later did I come to know that this movie was directed by Tim Burton, which draws a perfect parallel with Alice in Wonderland :)

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