Support Wikipedia Reflections of Art: April 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010


Predictable, corny, warm, cute and a good watch with one's 'partner' ;) I saw it for the first time with my ex, at which time I really liked it; now, eh...
It's a cute movie and it has one of my favourite looking actresses - Kate Beckinsale. I must say that the concept is quite cool; collides with Coelho's 'The Zahir', something about following signs and following your heart and blah.
What struck me was the fact that the name of the movie which means 'A fortunate accident', not quite what happened during the movie with me but quite amusing nonetheless.
The first few notes of Black Eyed Dog - Nick Drake - played during 2 scenes of the movie; filled me with warmth; the song did not play, only the first few notes :)
Watch the movie if you just want to unwind and relax.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bavra Mann

Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi: Bavra Mann
Translation by 'Anonymous' and some edition by me:

The bewitched mind is on its way to dream

The bewitched mind, see, has bewitched thoughts
Crazy are its heartbeats, crazy are its breaths
Why does sleep run away from the crazy twisting and turning
The bewitched eyes long to, through the crazy windows, watch bewitching sights

The bewitched mind is on its way to dream

In this crazy world, I wish I had some bewitching company!
With this scheming crowd around, I wish in my hands were your's
Wish there was a bewitching melody and a bewitching composition
My bewitched feet desire to dance to the bewitching tunes of bewitching lyrics

The bewitched mind is on its way to dream

I wish the darkness was bewitching and so were the silences
I wish quivering lips go easy, the intoxication is bewitching!
One bewitched veil, slowly tells us of the break of dawn, wants to slip away from a bewitched face

The bewitched mind is on its way to dream...

Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi

Emotions when hidden, stories when unsaid, and love when unconsummated can create pieces of art that stay engraved.
I cried twice during this movie and was filled with rage once.
The name of the movie means: "A thousand desires such as this..." The literal translation may not be possible as the name implies something and is open to interpretation.
A story that seems to be about ideologies but is in fact about emotions, behaviours, choices, helplessness and unbridled suffering; great work by Shiney Ahuja, Chitrangada Singh (possibly one of the most beautiful women I have seen) and Kay Kay Menon.

Period movies rarely rear their heads from the Indian stable; there are a lot of untold stories from India's past, possibly because Indian film-makers do not have the courage to make them - which is quite understandable.

Technically unsound, weird editing, but the silence spoke and the story was told. A movie that should be seen for there are a lot of things that this movie can make one think of, because art, at times, has rough edges, because pain is difficult to feel - and this movie gets one close to it. I may sound a bit too poetic about this, but such is the movie.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Weird accents, intelligent humour, classy cinematography, great editing, semi-convoluted plot.
"You should never underestimate the reliability of stupidity."
An intelligently made movie that stands out. It's as though the ingredients of the movie can be isolated and appreciated, but the movie in its entirety is also awesome.

There is a smart narration that goes on through the narration.
Silly sound effects and flash-back snapshots.
The piker accent.
One liners such as, "In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again?"
Brutal scenes (kind of).
Memorable characters such as Mickey, Boris the Bullet Dodger, Franky Four Fingers, Turkish, Bullet Tooth Tony, Brick Top (Sometimes, the names are more memorable than the characters).
A fitting soundtrack.
And for once, no actor stood out; the movie was bigger than any particular character.

"Speak English to me Tony, I thought this country spun the fuckin' language and so far nobody seems to speak it!"