Support Wikipedia Reflections of Art: Serendipity

Friday, April 16, 2010


Predictable, corny, warm, cute and a good watch with one's 'partner' ;) I saw it for the first time with my ex, at which time I really liked it; now, eh...
It's a cute movie and it has one of my favourite looking actresses - Kate Beckinsale. I must say that the concept is quite cool; collides with Coelho's 'The Zahir', something about following signs and following your heart and blah.
What struck me was the fact that the name of the movie which means 'A fortunate accident', not quite what happened during the movie with me but quite amusing nonetheless.
The first few notes of Black Eyed Dog - Nick Drake - played during 2 scenes of the movie; filled me with warmth; the song did not play, only the first few notes :)
Watch the movie if you just want to unwind and relax.

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